Thursday, June 3, 2010

Graduation!!! (Graduación!!!)

I can't believe four years flew by so quickly!  On May 22nd I graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Spanish!!  It was such a great feeling to finally complete my degree.  Let me give you a brief run-down of my pre and post graduation experience!

The week before graduation I woke up with a terrible headache.  Now let me tell you, I have never had a worse headache in my life!  I felt like I was punched in the face, to say it frankly.  After about 30 minutes of agony I took a couple ibuprofen and my headache slowly disappeared.  I didn't think much of it and the next few days passed with relatively no problems.  Two days later I started feeling sick and continued feeling worse and worse for the rest of the week.  By the day before graduation I had no voice and was in bed for hours on end.  Now I am usually the type to work through my pain and just ignore my illness, but with this cold it wouldn't happen.  I finally started taking cough medicine and after some wishing and praying I woke up the Saturday of graduation feeling much better!  Incase you are wondering, I am still recovering from this monster-cold.

At SUNY Oneonta there are two graduation services.  I was fortunate enough to graduate at the 10a.m. service, which was much cooler than the 12p.m. service.  With the supportive, watchful eyes of my family I moved my tassel to the left, shook many hands, smiled for pictures and completed the graduation process.

My platform is the Empowering Our Students to Succeed:  The Importance of Higher Education.  As a recent graduate I have not yet fully experienced the value of my degree.  However I know that the experience of higher education has given me the tools to achieve and compete in our society.  Many people focus on the monetary value of higher education.  I can say from experience that I have gained so much more from the completion of higher education.  I have earned a greater understanding of myself and my role in my community.  I understand the value of education and that it is a privilege to be able to receive it.  I would like to thank my friends, family, and professors for their encouragement and support throughout this process.  I have had a wonderful four years!